Das Wetter heute in Island

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Weiser von Thule
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Registriert: Mo 1. Aug 2011, 23:48
Wohnort: Akureyri

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von Argish » Fr 6. Dez 2013, 21:38

Skifahren in Island?
Beiträge: 3515
Registriert: So 7. Mai 2006, 16:36

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von Monique » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 12:07

Von der vegagerðin-Seite (http://www.vegagerdin.is/english):


Dec. 23rd 2013 (10:45)
Attention ! Forecasted storm and snow from the middle of the day at Vestfirðir and Norðurland (W-part). Roads there could be impassable.

For those who intend to travel during Christmas on road 1 between Vik and Höfn in South Iceland, be aware of sandstorms.

Habe von jemandem gehört, dass einer der schlimmsten Stürme seit Jahren erwartet wird. Argish, wie geht es euch bislang da oben?
Hüter des Gullfoss
Beiträge: 103
Registriert: So 30. Jan 2011, 15:44

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von Island-Radler » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 12:58

Ganz sooo schlimm sieht es auf den Wetterkarten ja nicht aus.
In den Westfjörden wehts und im Süden scheint es auf dem Meer ordentlich zu stürmen, aber sonst?
Aber trotzdem ist es besser, daheim zu bleiben.

Oder mit dem Fahrrad den Wind im Rücken zu haben, das Windsegel zu öffnen und mit 50 km/h die Pässe entlang zu fahren (oder su segeln).

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von WERner » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 15:23

Ganz sooo schlimm sieht es auf den Wetterkarten ja nicht aus
ja, nee, is'schon klar, is ja alles garnicht so schlimm... :mrgreen: ...Stütz-Kufen ans Rad montiert, und dann mit dem Ski-Bob und Surfsegel ab in die *****heidi...;)
24.12. 18.00 Uhr.jpg
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:arrow: http://www.vegagerdin.is/

google translator, englisch:
23.12.2013 at . 13:59
Notice of get and state
Due to avalanche danger to be expected that the road will be closed for Ólafsfjarðarmúli the evening and it is uncertain whether prices opened again until after Christmas.

Attention is drawn to the very bad weather and look at the roads in the West Fjords and the North- western could be closed in the evening .

Tips from weather hygienist

Storms and Blowing Snow in the Northwest. 18-25 m / s . The afternoon also most importantly the northwest of the country from Snæfellsnes Borgar and Holtavörðuheiði north of the Siglufjördur and hometown . Switches However norðaustantil the country.

On Christmas Eve looked from the northeast . It can be calculated by storm and snowstorm east of the middle of the day but got flurries and snowdrift from the morning and north in the Northwest.

Driving and conditions

It is snjóþekja on Sandskeiði , Hellisheiði and congestion. In the South is generally where some black ice , slippery indeed flying in the graph sheet.

Got flurries widely in the West as black ice or snjóþekja on most routes.

In the Westfjords is widely Icy or snjóþekja but Difficult driving on Gemlufallsheiði and thresholds . Warning of storms both Gemlufallsheiði and Steingrímsfjarðarheiði . It is open north Árneshreppur Witchcraft .

Snow throughout most of the North and there is black ice or snjóþekja in almost all ways. However, Extremely slippery on Tjörnes .

Snjóþekja or black ice on most roads in the region. Icy Spots , or are along the coast from south to Eskifirði Vik .
Reindeer on the eastern and southeastern

Reindeer Groups are now in the way of Hamarsfjörður , Álftafjörður and plant and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution .

Road Administration and the Natural History of East warn pedestrians of traffic reindeer in the East and Southeast .
Prophet des Dettifoss
Beiträge: 361
Registriert: Fr 9. Jul 2010, 11:26

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von MarionF » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 15:57

Wir wissen doch alle, was das bedeutet:
Reindeer Groups are now in the way of Hamarsfjörður , Álftafjörður and plant and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution .

Road Administration and the Natural History of East warn pedestrians of traffic reindeer in the East and Southeast .
Frohe Weihnachten!!! :D

Und passt auf die Rentiere auf - es folgt immer noch ein Schlitten mit Übergepäck und einem alten Herrn im roten Mantel!
Weiser von Thule
Beiträge: 1130
Registriert: Mo 1. Aug 2011, 23:48
Wohnort: Akureyri

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von Argish » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 16:00

Monique hat geschrieben:Argish, wie geht es euch bislang da oben?

Bis jetzt kein Problem. Gab heute Nacht ordentlich Schnee.

Ich vermute jedoch dass wird doch nicht ganz so heftig wie vorausgesagt wird. Wir fahren heute mal in den Osten und checken die Lage ab ;)
Skifahren in Island?
Prophet des Dettifoss
Beiträge: 481
Registriert: Do 26. Jan 2006, 12:19
Wohnort: Berlin/Ísafjörður

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von mánaljós » Mo 23. Dez 2013, 22:52

Flüge nach Ísafjörður wurden heute gestrichen und es gab keine Möglichkeit mit dem Auto zu fahren, da die Straßen zu schlecht sind, z.B. ist zwischen Súðavík und Íso wegen Lawinengefahr gesperrt. Die Ísfirðingar (und ich) hoffen, dass morgen früh der Flug geht, sonst kommen wir nicht nach Hause für Weihnachten. Da es am 25.12. keine Flüge gibt, wäre die nächste Möglichkeit am 26.12. zu fliegen.
Daumen drücken, dass ich Weihnachten nicht im Gästehaus in Reykjavík verbringen muss (ich weiß, es gibt schlimmeres ;)) aber ich wäre ja viel lieber in Ísafjörður :D
MAN 8.150
Beiträge: 91
Registriert: So 16. Nov 2008, 07:38

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von MAN 8.150 » Di 24. Dez 2013, 08:55

So langsam scheint es los zu gehen. Wir sind in der Nähe von Fáskrúðsfjörður und die Böen nehmen zu. Wir fahren zumindest bis Egilsstaðir. Unser Car-Rental (McRent - super Job bislang) meinte sogar, wir sollten bis zum Mývatn fahren. Einfach schöner als Egil und vermutlich auch nochmals ein wenig weniger Sturm.
Wir hatten aber auch von sehr viel Schnee dort oben gehört und gelesen. Sind diesmal ja nur mit einem Leih-Womo unterwegs (leider kein 4x4, aber gute Winterreifen mit Spikes), somit nicht "tiefschneetauglich" :cry: .
Schauen wir mal.
Viele Grüße und schöne Weihnachten Euch allen
MAN 8.150
Beiträge: 91
Registriert: So 16. Nov 2008, 07:38

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von MAN 8.150 » Di 24. Dez 2013, 20:18

Es windet ganz gut - frohe Weihnachten Euch allen!

Re: Das Wetter heute in Island

Beitrag von WERner » Di 24. Dez 2013, 23:35

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Es windet oder "sarkastisch" Abenteuer Island:

:arrow: http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2013/ ... dum_bilum/
Rescue Team Kari Öræfum and Torch Centre during have been called out to assist the tourists got into trouble with Sandfell on its way from Jökulsárlón . The people were traveling in three buses and broke windows in all of them with much erosion on the road .

Rescue Kari possesses armored car that will be used to ferry people on Núpsstaður where rescue Torch takes it and comes Kirkjubæjarklaustri .

No weather is now going on the road and people are advised to avoid driving the route.

The announcement from the Centre during the police are people strongly warned to be on a journey of Skeiðarársandur from Loomnips to Freysnes . A great windstorm is in this area.

" This is actually the places , ie Swamp and not advisable to be in motion. It can encourage people to suggest foreign tourists who are on the move in cars to be widely recommended and is unable to agree on lodgings and stay there remained , " says the report.
:arrow: http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2013/ ... _heidinni/
Three ICE-SAR rescue teams in the metropolitan area were called out at about five in the day to assist tourists who were in trouble Mosfellsheiði .

Requests for assistance had been received from a few tourists but in the end there were about 10-15 cars a problem along bus with about twenty tourists. In all, the nearly 40 tourists assisted to build. In all cases the vehicles were left by tourists . Just in this action is complete and team on the way with tourists lodgings here and there in the metropolitan area .

No trip is the weather Mosfellsheiði rather than elsewhere on the moors road and travelers should familiarize themselves with the conditions before you go into it now at Christmastime , says the announcement from ICE -SAR .

Driving is getting corrupt around that area. Considerable Swamp is Mosfellsheiði and is closed. Pedestrians are asked to respect closures and familiarize themselves with road conditions before heading off , according to the Civil Protection .
:arrow: http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2013/ ... lladar_ut/
Rescue teams have been called out in various parts of the country where the tourists do not seem to grasp the situation and not seek information about weather and road conditions.

Is sought foreign tourists Fróðárheiði the glacier, we Jökuldalur Möðrudalsöræfi, Suðurlandsvegur with Petursey, Biskupstungnabraut with Skálholtsveg and then Mosfellsheiði but there seem to be several problems. In all these places, bad weather and road conditions.
:arrow: http://www.ruv.is/frett/adstodudu-40-manns-til-byggda
Team on the metropolitan area helped about 40 tourists to the region of between five o'clock today and nine in the evening . The crowd got into difficulties at Mosfellsheiði . Understand had ten to fifteen cars tourists and one bus left. 20 people were on the bus and a similar number of total passenger cars .

Björgunarsveitarmenn are heading with tourists at accommodation here and there in the metropolitan area . The announcement from ICE -SAR that no journey is the weather Mosfellsheiði rather than elsewhere on the moors and roads , and travelers should familiarize themselves with the conditions before you go into it for the Christmas holidays.

Jonas Gudmundsson in SAR operations committee said that anyone who had to assist in the evening were foreign tourists. It has been decided to leave their cars behind, rather than spending time on it now dragging them off the moor . The cars have been added to the edges so they were not available. One rescue car hit off-road action and decided to leave it on too .

These are the second Christmas in a row that the rescue teams in the metropolitan area are called out shortly before six o'clock on Christmas Eve. " Must we not say that everything is already half ," says Jonah in light shade , but notes that björgunarsveitarmenn will not see the time spent helping people on Christmas Eve .
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